Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance
We strive to embody purpose beyond profit, foster diversity and inclusion and address modern slavery in all our efforts

Purpose beyond profit

Every individual, organisation and government has a role to play in addressing the challenges that individuals and communities face daily around the world.


365 Architechs, although a small business, can contribute to a wider response by integrating ethics, diversity, inclusion and good corporate governance in all business decisions and activities. 


Incorporating Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) in our organisational framework allows us to facilitate a culture of a purpose beyond profit.

We report on issues such as our modern slavery impact and commitment to addressing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals as it aligns with our overall strategy of developing solutions that make a meaningful impact. 


Adopting good corporate governance enables us to form strong relationships with partners and clients that are built on trust and understanding.

Diversity and inclusion

An ethical decision-making framework is underpinned by a commitment to diversity and inclusion. Employing a diverse group of individuals working in a supported, inclusive environment is the foundation required for great decisions and great work.


Diversity and inclusion are core issues in our organisation and central to all we care about. Diversity comes in many different styles. Age diversity, cultural backgrounds, education, religion and other factors give rise to different mindsets when tackling problems and identifying solutions. 


365 Architechs are committed to providing an inclusive and safe workspace for all our employees as we believe that this fosters an environment of endless opportunity. 

We employ a team of individuals who originate from many different countries, of various ages, education, cultural backgrounds, and religious beliefs.


Each member of our team brings a unique perspective and experience that enables improved ethical decision-making as well as more creative and critical thinking during the solution design process.


This type of diverse thinking enables us to deliver our vision of providing creative and transformative solutions.


This outcome wouldn’t be possible if all our team members adopted the same approach and way of thinking.

Addressing modern slavery

Modern slavery exists in Australia, as it does in all countries around the world. It affects the lives of millions of people and threatens to undermine the productive societies and communities we live in today.


As a small business in Australia, our focus was on the supply chain of our significant expenditure items, and in particular, the suppliers of those direct suppliers.


We are committed to taking meaningful actions to ensure modern slavery does not exist in our organisation and supply chain. 

We communicate openly about our supply chain and categories of spend including telecommunications providers, office admin supplies, and IT distributors.


We have also conducted a risk-based analysis of modern slavery risks from within our operations and also our supply chains. 


These steps have been taken to mitigate modern slavery risks within our operation and supply chain. You can learn more about our efforts and  progress in reducing these risks in our Modern Slavery Statement FY20